What’s Next stop ihop about?

  • The Drive

    Every great road trip starts with the ROAD and these Road Dogs are Road Runnin’. Our convos range from simple ramblmings about life and all its wonder, to deep dives into things like worldview, family, trauma etc. We’ll also be jammin’ to some fresh tunes made by some of our friends and local artists as well as some origin jams by the boys themselves We also will make some stops at as many ihop’s as we can along the way.

  • The Destination

    When we visit a new city we want to immerse ourselves in the culture and the beauty of that city. We only have a limited time but in that time we want to see and do as much as possible. Try awesome food, listen to local music, experience some of the nightlife (within reason of course) and most importantly, stop by the local ihop. Overall we want to get the most authentic experience possible and do right by each place we visit.

  • The mission

    Sometimes we go on trips for a specific purpose, like a wedding or a concert etc. So a portion of the podcast will be about that “mission.” Something usually comes up that makes it hard to make everything work but we want you to go with us even if that means listening to the story after the fact. Expect there to be some cameos of some of our friends and relatives too.